Building Sustainable Food Systems:
Municipal Initiatives in Canada and the EU
Chantal Clément, Doctoral Candidate
Department of Political Science
Carleton University

Chantal Clément
Work in Progress
Andrée, Peter, Clément, Chantal & Langille, Lynn. 2014. “Weaving Food Security into State and Community Structures: Exploring cross-sectoral opportunities in Nova Scotia, Canada.” Forthcoming.
Clément, Chantal, Andrée, Peter, & Langille, Lynn. 2014. “To Market to Market: Exploring Distribution Models in Nova Scotia.” Prepared by the Policy Working Group of Acting Change Together for Community Food Security (ACT for CFS).
Lowitt, Kristen, Mount, Phil, Khan, Ahmen, & Clément, Chantal. Forthcoming. "Expanding the Debate on governance of local food systems: New insights from fisheries governance" in Anderson, Colin, Brady, Jennifer & Levkoe, Charles (eds.) Conversations in Food Studies: Transgressing Boundaries Through Critical Inquiry.
Non-Refereed Publications
Editorial support and data analysis for Norgang, Emily, Andrée, Peter, & Langille, Lynn. 2013. “Challenges and Opportunities for Community: The Policy Landscape in Nova Scotia. Prepared by the Policy Working Group of ACT for CFS. Available at: http://foodarc.ca/wp-content/uploads2013/08/ChallengesandOpportunitiesforCFSinNSAugust2013-Rev.pdf
Clément, Chantal, Andrée, Peter, & Langille, Lynn. 2012. “The Political Economy of Food Policy Change.” Prepared by the Policy Working Group of ACT for CFS. Available at: http://foodarc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Political-Economy-of-Food-Policy-Change-_Nov2012_.pdf
French (fluent)
English (fluent)
German (conversational)
Mandarin Chinese (basic)
Graduate Travel-Research Fellowship on the European Union, Carleton University (2014)
Graduate Student Travel/Research Bursary, Carleton University (2014)
Graduate Travel-Research Fellowship on the European Union, Carleton University (2013)
Graduate Student Travel/Research Bursary, Carleton University (2013)
Departmental Scholarship, Carleton University (2010-2013)
Graduate Entrance Scholarship, Georgetown University (2008-10)
Gregory Flynn Summer Grant (2009)
Undergraduate Thesis with Honours, Queen's University (2008)
I have been a doctoral candidate since September 2010 under the supervision of Dr. Peter Andrée. My research focii are on sustainable food systems, local food systems, governance, and neo-Gramscian theory. My fields of research are in IR and Comparative Politics.
For more on my doctoral research, please see here.
Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service
2008 - 2010
Carleton University, Department of Political Science
2010 - present
I hold an MA in German and European Studies with a concentration in Sustainable Food & Agricultural Policy. My areas of research included Sustainable European Food and Agriculture Policy; EU Agricultural Policy; the Transatlantic GMO debate; sustainable agricultural social movements in Western Europe; and European food history.
My Master's Project, entitled "Farmers without Borders: The Transnationalization of the European Anti-GMO Movement, Trends and Implications", studies the European Anti-GMO Movement (EAM) to explain new phenomena in social movement mobilization. After placing the EAM within the context of social movement theory and "contentious politics", the project considers a "double-movement" of social movement mobilization: first, through the expansion of two nationally-based organizations, the UK Soil Association and the French Confederation Paysanne; and second, by the devolution of the broader European movement into more localized chapters.The paper concludes by prescribing a number of new roles social movements like the EAM can take on on the international stage, namely through their ability to shape global socio-cultural identity through the universally shared values of environmentalism and conscious consumerism, and the resulting potential to act as a counterforce to the hegemonic power of global capitalism.
Queen's University, Department of Political Science
2004 - 2008
I hold a BA (Honours) in Political Science. My Honours Thesis focused on European identity and EU-citizen building.
Research Experience
2014 - Present
Project Soil (under Drs. Phil Mount & Irena Knezevic). Assisting in survey distribution and interpretation; developing an interview tool and conducting interviews to report on current capacities of institutions interested or currently involved in on-site food production.
2012 - Present
Dr. Peter Andrée (Department of Political Science, Carleton). Conducting research, analysis, and organization on food policy and community food security opportunities in Nova Scotia as the Research Assistant of the Policy Working Group of the Community University Research Alliance’s (CURA): Activating Change Together (ACT) for Community Food Security participatory research projects based in Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia.
2008 - 2012
Dr. Richard Kuisel (CGES, Georgetown). Conducted research in French and English on French public opinion towards American culture and politics in the 1980s and proofing preliminary chapters for Dr. Richard Kuisel’s book, The French Way (2011).
Teaching Experience
Fall 2014 Contract Instructor PSCI3809B - Politics of Food
Summer 2013 Teaching Assistant PSCI3802 - Globalization and Human Rights
Summer 2012 Teaching Assistant PSCI2601 - Global Politics
March 2012 Teaching Assistant Substitute PSCI1001 B - Great Political Questions
Fall 2011 Teaching Assistant PSCI2102 A - Comparative Politics of Development & Underdevelopment
Summer 2011 Teaching Assistant PSCI3101 - Politics of War in Africa
Conference Review Activities
Present. Local Coordinator. Canadian Association of Food Studies Conference. University of Ottawa. 2015.
2014. Organizing Committee & Conference Paper Reviewer. Canadian Association of Food Studies Conference. 2014. Brock University.
2010. Committee Chair Member. MAGES Graduate Student Conference. Georgetown University.
2009. Committee Chair Member. MAGES Graduate Student Conference. Georgetown University.
Conference Presentations & Guest Lectures
2014. “Too Many Cooks Don’t Spoil the Broth: Lessons in Municipal Food System Governance.” Presented at the Canadian Association of Food Studies Conference. Brock University. May 2014.
2014. “The Role of Local Government in Food Politics.” Guest lecture for PSCI 3809B (The Politics of Food). Carleton University. March 2014
2013. “Activist Scholarship in Food Studies: Impassioned Research or Bad Science?” Presented at Living Research: Reflexivities, Positionalities and Transformations Interdisciplinary Conference. University of Ottawa. April 2013.
2013. 3 Minute Thesis Competition Finalist. Carleton University.
2011. “Iron Chef World Edition - The Secret Ingredient: Agricultural Sustainability.” Presented at the 2011 Carleton Graduate Political Science Society Conference.
Non-Academic Positions
2009. German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington DC. Indexer.
Indexed the draft of War in an Age of Revolution, 1775-1815 (2010) by Roger Chickering and Stig Förster (eds.) for publishing.
Fall 2009. Delegation of the European Union to the USA, Washington DC. Trade & Agriculture Intern
Monitored and reported on American policy and legislative development, with specific emphasis on the U.S. dairy crisis, WTO cases, climate change policy, and U.S. nutritional programs by attending Senate and Congressional hearings and conferences; Conducted in-depth research on the impact of climate change policy on U.S. agriculture and on nutritional programs for the Delegation and for the EU Commission in Brussels; Provided support the Delegation’s Agriculture Counselor and Commission visitors during meetings with Senate, USDA and USTR officials
2009 Organic Consumers Association, Washington DC. Federal Lobbying Intern
Published articles on sustainable alternatives to current domestic food & agricultural policy; Led OCA’s Appetite for Change Campaign by lobbying and promoting education on issues dealing with child nutrition, with a focus on the upcoming reauthorization of the U.S. Child Nutrition Act; Worked alongside the office of Congressman Blumenauer, Food & Water Watch, and Organic Valley to promote organic food, sustainable agricultural and environmental policies in upcoming bills; Spoke on behalf of the OCA as a food security & policy panelist at the Powershift Conference 2009
2010 - present
2010 - present