Building Sustainable Food Systems:
Municipal Initiatives in Canada and the EU
Chantal Clément, Doctoral Candidate
Department of Political Science
Carleton University

"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness."
-Thomas Jefferson

Thank you for finding your way to my site! As much as a PhD is an academic endeavour, my hope is to make my research as accessible to people as possible and help shed some light on the complexity of food issues. Here you will find updates on my work, any food system-related musings I may have, and other pieces of interest related to my research.
As it has been reiterated time and time again, those of us involved in food, whether inside or outside of academia, are part of an ever-evolving food revolution. As a movement, we hope to reach out, to spark new ideas, to give you fodder for debate, to find out more about what's going on and what works and doesn't, to create, to grow and most of all to inspire others to join us in our search for a more sustainable, just, and equitable food system for all.
“AGRICULTURE isn’t just another sector of industry like iron and steel, but something much more complex than that. In reality, it is the fruit of a HOLISTIC VISION that takes in the ‘sacredness’ of food, of RESPECT for the environment, sociality, conviviality, and culture.”
-Carlo Petrini (2010)

Get to know my work in 3 minutes or less!
I had the pleasure to be one of the finalists of the 3 Minute Thesis Competition at Carleton University in March 2013. The point was to describe the entirety of your graduate or doctoral work to a general audience in less than 3 minutes! Challenge accepted!